Power of 1000's POWER TALK feature - Jan 2019

Vision 2020 – Eye Care by Mumtaz Khan 
(Chairperson of the Power of 1000) 
A recent study by the National Institute of Health found that approximately 35 percent of pre-schoolers have myopia or short sightedness. In other words objects far away appear blurred. As they grow older the risk of progression of myopia increases.
Eighty percent of what a child learns in the classroom is through seeing and observing or what is technically referred to as dependence on the efficiency of the visual system. The visual system is not only about clear vision but also about depth perception, focusing, accommodation, binocular vision and visual coordination. Together these essential components determine the visual wellbeing of children. Quick eye screening tests such as those conducted in clinics and in schools focus on acuity – that is sharpness of vision and not all the elements. While these tests are a quick means of assessing children’s visual wellbeing; it is vital for children to go for regular comprehensive eye tests to an optometrist.
Here is a quick test to determine whether or not your child needs an urgent eye examination:
• Does your child hold a book very closely when he/she reads?
• Tilt his/her head at an extreme angle to the book when reading?
• Cover one eye when reading?
• Constantly maintain a poor posture and working too close?
• Move his/her head back and forth while reading instead of moving eyes only.
• Have a poor attention span?
• Feel drowsy after prolonged near work?
• Take longer than it should to do his/her homework?
• Occasionally or persistently report seeing blurred or double while reading or writing?
• Complaining of not seeing clearly on school board
• Making continual errors with reversals of alphabets and numbers
If you answered yes to any of the questions above then your child will benefit from seeing an optometrist to determine the overall health of his /her visual system.
Recent research studies indicated that over 10 million children suffer from undetected vision problems due to the lack of appropriate evaluation.
Most eye care experts recommend that you have a comprehensive eye exam every one to two years, depending on your age, risk factors and whether you currently wear corrective lenses.
The table below offers a quick reference to frequency of visiting your optometrist.
Good habits for comfortable less strained eyes:
* All close-up work should be done at arm distance that is from third knuckle to  your elbow  as measured with a folded arm
* Make sure your posture is good and that you are  not slouching whilst reading .
* Sit up straight so that reading material is equally spaced from your eyes .
* Good lighting is critical with minimal glare to aid in comfort and reduce strain
* Never use your mobile phone in dark in bed
* Night time reading may require a special reading lamp
* Take regular breaks with focussing up and down every 25- 30 minutes and look away from all near point work so that your eye relaxes and focuses regularly
* Good full blinking aids in moisture and overall comfort and clarity.
* Do not read while lying on your stomach on the floor.
* Don’t read in a moving car
The importance of regular eye examinations at an optometrist cannot be
emphasized more especially  for school going children as your eyes are surely the gateway to the world.
Remember your eye is the lamp of your body , if your eye is healthy your entire body will be full of light.

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