Car sustains sunroof damage after recently-rare N12 troubling incident

Due to various reasons, including a reduction in traffic due to the Covid-19 pandemic and its associated lockdown levels restrictions, disturbing incidents on the N12 freeway adjacent to Lenasia have this year been few and far between. 
However, on 8th October a worrisome incident did occur. 
According to vigilance information (describing such ordeals) on a WhatsApp group facilitated by popular N12 safety activist Khalil Mohamed, this newest incident involved a vehicle exiting Lenasia from the K43 towards the on-ramp of the N12E. The vehicle is said to have sustained sunroof damage after an object was apparently thrown at it from the left embankment during a merging procedure onto the highway. 
The group description revealed: “The passenger looked back and noticed two males (nationality unknown) on top of the embankment at different locations. The motorist slowed down but did not stop, he continued to his destination where he then assessed the damages. Fortunately, there were no injuries as the sunroof as well as the inside visor was closed. 
“The modus operandi is one or more perpetrators throws rocks at passing vehicles while accomplices hide under the bridge or in the nearby bushes in wait for motorists to stop to examine the damage, they then approach and rob the motorists. Do not stop immediately to examine damages to your vehicle. It remains the responsibility of the victim to report such incidents to the South African Police Service (SAPS). Please be careful and vigilant on the road.” 
The group urges motorists to report any suspicious activity to 10111 or JMPD on +27 11 375 5911 or GTP on +27 11 689 3712 or +27 11 689 3833. If you or someone you know has been a victim of rock placement or rock throwing or been a victim of a robbery or armed robbery on the N12W or N12E outside Lenasia, Eldorado Park, Bushkoppies, SlovoPark, please complete or have them complete the incident report via the link below. Please include the OB/CAS Number which was provided by SAPS.  
Pictures can be emailed to: 
In July 2019, Khalil Mohamed was a key part of a brilliant N12 safety initiative spearheaded by popular crime-fighter Shahim Ismail and his Lethal Forces security group, supported by other noteworthy anti-crime entities like CCIN (led by Dr. Reza Patel) and similar, which saw several vehicles procured by Lethal Forces to patrol and monitor dangerous activities on the freeway. The endeavour has proven successful as harrowing rock throwing/placing and ambush incidents have drastically reduced as compared to before, with numerous reports of Shahim and co. successfully thwarting any nefarious attempts against innocent motorists on the N12.
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